- The Washington Times - Monday, December 20, 2010

Defeated congressional Democrats will leave town in the next two weeks having left behind Christmas presents

few Americans will cherish. The national debt is $5,208,241,108,177.58 more now than it was when Rep. Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, was sworn in as House speaker. The U.S. military, already strained by wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, faces transformation from the world’s most powerful fighting machine into an organization where political correctness is more important than victory.

Saturday’s Senate vote cleared the final hurdle for the repeal of President Clinton’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy designed to prevent homosexual conduct in the ranks. Battle lines will now form over how the homosexual advocacy policies will be implemented. Though the repudiated lawmakers who rammed the repeal through this weekend’s session pretend they are simply latter-day Rosa Parkses seeking to end discrimination, there is no comparison. Since 2005, a mere 1 percent of Army discharges involved homosexual conduct. This issue isn’t about retaining or recruiting qualified personnel for the military. This is part of the left’s larger societal goal of using government to force others to embrace unorthodox personal lifestyle choices.

The implications are clear from a look at how the federal government treats issues of homosexuality. President Obama, for example, repeated his call for repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in his proclamation of June 2010 as “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month.” It’s inevitable that the same programs will be foisted on the military services. Troops can look forward to so-called pride parades on military bases and awareness days for the transgendered.

Everyone knows the sort of thing that might work in Greenwich Village or a San Francisco neighborhood doesn’t go over well in a fighting force drawn largely from red state America - an area whose residents Mr. Obama once derisively referred to as the type who “cling to guns or religion.” That’s why implementing the New Gay Army means forcing soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines to endure “diversity” training. Those who don’t like it will be told to get out, as several senior military leaders have suggested already. Chaplains in particular will face the dilemma that preaching their faith will violate the new pro-homosexual code of conduct. As a result, far more are likely to leave or be thrown out of the military as a result of Mr. Obama’s policy than were ever affected by Mr. Clinton’s.

It’s hard to see how that will do anything to strengthen the nation’s defenses. It does, however, please the well-funded fringe groups that helped Mr. Obama secure his election victory in 2008. That win isn’t likely to last beyond 2012. As with the strong-arm tactics employed to force through Obamacare, using a last-minute lame-duck session to enact a controversial policy won’t earn many friends outside of left-wing activist circles. It’s no wonder Mr. Obama’s popularity continues to plunge.

America needs a president who will put military readiness and national security above special interests. That’s not what we have in the White House these days.

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