Monday, December 20, 2010

As someone who lives in President Obama’s home state of Hawaii, I can’t begin to express with words what a welcome relief it is to hear that the first step toward sanity in this nation has begun with the recent court opinion that the mandatory insurance provision of Obamacare is unconstitutional (“Judge voids part of Obamacare,” Page 1, Dec. 14).

What were Mr. Obama and Congress thinking in the first place? Since the passage of that bill, I have only seen my health care insurance get more — not less — expensive, because insurance companies all around the nation know that we have no choice but to have insurance. Since I rarely get sick, and I see my doctor not more than once a year, why do I have to have insurance? It sounds like a government racket. If Mr. Obama wants to make health care affordable and more readily accessible, he ought to free the health care market and stop pandering to lobbyists.


Waipahu, Hawaii

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