Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sharron Angle, the Republican Senate nominee for Nevada, is a proverbial “comeback kid.” Liberals like her opponent, Democrat Harry Reid, brand Mrs. Angle as a quirky extremist. Mrs. Angle, on the other hand, boldly brands herself a “conservative Republican.”

She has suggested that a number of agencies of the federal government be eliminated, and that Social Security allow younger Americans a chance to privatize part of their future retirement income. She says she would fight to simplify the tax code and cut taxes on individuals and small businesses - the real creators of new jobs and wealth. She would return America to its rightful owners - its citizens - and shrink the size of government. She would fight to repeal Obamacare. These are allideas that contrast starkly with the ideas of Mr. Reid, who has done as much as any person to bury Nevada in unemployment and home foreclosures.

One thing is certain: The state of Nevada is not flourishing under Mr. Reid. Nevada is in terrible pain. Its unemployment rate and home foreclosure rate are among the highest in the nation. Our residents are out of work, out of their homes and nearly out of time. Sharron Angle is a fresh start for Nevada, and it would be a big mistake for the Reid camp to count her out of this race.


North Las Vegas, Nev.

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