Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Clearly, Aida Greenbury tried to defend Asia Pulp and Paper’s “commitment to sustainability” by attacking the credibility of environmental groups, particularly Greenpeace, simply because she could not defend her company’s destructive practices (“Greens tear into paper producers,” Opinion, Aug. 17).

APP, like its parent company, Sinar Mas, is one of Indonesia’s leading forest destroyers. It is obliterating rain forests that are vital wildlife habitats and destroying carbon-rich deep peat. Both are crucial to the global fight against climate change. The company, in destroying Indonesia’s remaining rain forests, is devastating to those that depend on the forests for survival.

Ms. Greenbury may claim expansion to support the production of 17 million tons of pulp is false, but it is not. It is clearly stated in one of Sinar Mass’ own documents.

The company’s claim that it embraces and is already advancing sustainable practices in Indonesia ignores its destruction of peat lands and its clearance of forests identified as priority tiger conservation areas.

Greenpeace reports are always based on hard evidence and extensive research. Instead of attacking environmental groups and depending on public-relations spin to polish their image, APP and Sinar Mas as a whole need to change their policies and end their rain-forest and peat-land destruction.


Forest team leader

Greenpeace South East Asia


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