- Monday, August 16, 2010

Iran and Holocaust

“It’s a good thing Iran is low on credibility these days. Otherwise, the Holocaust cartoon website launched from the nuclear wannabe rogue state would be causing more than the current elicited outrage.

“HoloCartoons, launched last week in Farsi, Arabic, and English, is financed by an Iranian non-governmental ’cultural foundation.’ The cartoons are based largely on a Holocaust-themed comic or cartoon book published in 2008. The book contains satirical images and texts questioning the Holocaust.

“The landing page opens to Henry Mancini’s Pink Panther theme and initial texts dedicate the site to all those ’killed under the pretext of the Holocaust.’ The site also refers to ’the killing of 6 million Jews in the Second World War known as the Holocaust’ as a ’sheer lie.’

“Internally, texts call the massacre of six million Jews during World War II a fabrication designed to allow Jews to grab hold of the Middle East and control its resources. Site visitors click on swastika icons to advance along pages that depict Jews as beak-nosed murderers.

Stephanie L. Freid, writing on “Iran’s Holocaust Cartoons: The Latest in Holocaust Denial,” on Aug. 13 at Pajamas Media

’Them’ and ’us’

“For all their talk about the mindset of Muslims around the world, Obama and the Democrats in charge have no understanding of the mindset of the average American in this regard. Frankly, they don’t even seem to care very much. In Obama’s case, it’s as if he thinks all he need do is pronounce something and somehow America will quickly fall in line. He thinks he is setting an example, providing us a teachable moment, while at the same time, doing everything he can to convey to Muslims that he is tolerant of them.

“I agree with Melissa Clouthier and also agree with Sissy Willis, America is mostly tolerant of Muslims and Islam, but what they want, is some tolerance and respect in return. Obama and the Democrats don’t see it that way. Their world view dictates that Muslims must be seen as an aggrieved party by the West and need to be accommodated whenever possible to improve any relationship. Their disconnect with the American people and victim mentality here is a disaster coming at the end of non-recovery summer as it has.

“Just before we begin the sprint to November, Obama has gotten the Democrat Party’s foot caught in a complicated mosque trap. On top of everything else, especially the economy and ObamaCare, running with that handicap is not going to be fun if you’re a Democrat. Hechuva job, Barry.”

Dan Riehl, writing on “Why Obama Tripped the Mosque Trap” on Aug. 15 at his blog Riehl World View

Arabs and Holocaust

“Just 3 percent of Arabs say they empathize with Jewish Holocaust victims, according to a new poll released by the Brookings Institution’s Saban Center, in conjuction with Zogby.

“The survey polled 3,976 people in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and [United Arab Emirates]. It asked respondents, ’When you watch a movie or a program about the Jewish Holocaust, which of the following is closest to your feelings.’

“The most popular response, from 59 percent, was ’Resent it as I feel it brings sympathy toward Israel and the Jews at the expense of Palestinians and Arabs.’ Another 29 percent said they had ’mixed feelings.’ Rounding out the bottom, a mere three percent of Arabs say they ’Empathize with the Jews who suffered under the Nazis.’”

Philip Klein, writing on “Poll: Just 3% of Arabs Empathize With Jewish Holocaust Victims,” on Aug. 7 at the American Spectator

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