Thursday, August 12, 2010

It is odd that there seem to be no criticisms of President Obama as commander in chief of our armed forces. Perhaps they have been deflected by the insular notion that the military ought to be run by civilians, the reason being that the public thinks its military is a cherished treasure not to be wasted in fruitless backdoor deals, undisclosed ideological gambits and other harebrained presidential ideas.

As an elected servant of the people, the president is required to be responsive to American mandates. Simply being elected is not a mandate, and Mr. Obama’s has lapsed. This requires a transparency he has shown himself incapable of demonstrating.

Mr. Obama has no military leadership skills and has demonstrated no attempt to acquire a pool of knowledgeable or talented military experts since he paraded a bunch of sycophantic retired generals to respond to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s attacks in 2007. Militarily, Mr. Obama works in a vacuum to restructure the paradigm to exclude military action - even when such action is necessary - and puts his image and ideological agenda ahead of our troops’ lives.

We are living in an era in which violent terrorist acts are constant. In such a climate, our response cannot be to lie down and roll over like a whipped pup. Former President George W. Bush’s legacy is growing brighter every day as the Obama administration forces upon the American people one humiliation and defeat after another in every area of American life.


Fredericksburg, Va.

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