Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Members of the Lyndon LaRouche movement have circulated political tracts picturing President Obama with a Hitler-like mustache, handing them out on Connecticut Avenue and Q Street Northwest in the Dupont Circle area. Mr. LaRouche doesn’t like Mr. Obama’s health care reform proposal.

In the magazine-like tract, titled “Pound of Flesh! Act Now!” Mr. LaRouche said: “The kindest thing that could be said about President Obama’s currently adopted policies is that they are not only evil in the specifically fascist intentions which they express in practice, as in notable instances which are essentially exact copies of Adolf Hitler’s policies, as in the case of his current health-care and so-called ’environmentalist’ policies: even though they might be viewed as honest mistakes made by the clinically insane.”

Mr. LaRouche, 87, is a native of Rochester, N.H., who has run for president eight times since 1976, including once as a Labor Party candidate. He sought the Democratic Party nomination seven times. He also is a former felon, having been convicted of conspiracy to commit mail fraud and tax code violations.

One Dupont Circle passer-by said of the handouts on Nov. 24: “I thought [LaRouche followers] were cool until I saw that picture of President Obama with a Hitler mustache.”

Joseph Young is a writer living in Washington.

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