Monday, May 26, 2008

PASADENA, Calif. (AP) — A NASA spacecraft plunged into the atmosphere of Mars and successfully landed yesterday in the Red Planet”s northern polar region, where it will begin 90 days of digging in the permafrost to look for evidence of the building blocks of life.

Cheers swept through mission control at NASA”s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) when the touchdown signal from the Phoenix Mars Lander was detected after a nail-biting descent. Engineers and scientists hugged and high-fived one another.

“In my dreams, it couldn”t have gone as perfectly as it went,” project manager Barry Goldstein said. “It went right down the middle.”

Among Phoenix”s first tasks were to check its power supply and the health of its science instruments and unfurl its solar panels after the dust settled. Mission managers said there would be a two-hour blackout period as Phoenix conducted the checks while out of view from Earth.

Phoenix plunged into the Martian atmosphere at more than 12,000 miles per hour after a 10-month, 422-million-mile voyage through space.

It performed a choreographed dance that included unfurling its parachute, shedding its heat shield and backshell and firing thrusters to slow to a 5 mph touchdown. The radio signal confirming the landing came at 4:53 p.m. PDT.

“Touchdown detected!! We”re on the surface of Mars and there is celebration in Mission Control!!” JPL engineer Brent Shockley blogged from inside mission control.

It”s the first successful soft landing on Mars since the twin Viking landers touched down in 1976. NASA”s twin rovers, which successfully landed on Mars four years ago, used a combination of parachutes and cushioned air bags to bounce to the surface.

Phoenix”s landing is a relief for NASA because Mars has a reputation of swallowing spacecraft. More than half of all nations” attempts to land on Mars have failed.

Phoenix”s target landing site was 30-mile-wide shallow valley in the high northern latitudes similar in location to Earth”s Greenland or northern Alaska. The site was chosen because images from space spied evidence of a reservoir of frozen water close to the surface.

Like a tourist in a foreign country, the lander initially will take in the sights during its first week on the Red Planet. It will talk with ground controllers through three Mars orbiters, which will relay data and images.

Phoenix is equipped with an 8-foot-long arm capable of digging trenches in the soil to get to ice that is thought to be buried inches to a foot deep. Then it will analyze the dirt and ice samples for traces of organic compounds, the chemical building blocks of life.

The lander also will study whether the ice ever melted at some point in Mars” history when the planet had a warmer environment than the current harsh, cold one it now has.

Scientists do not expect to find water in its liquid form at the Phoenix landing site because it”s too frigid. But they say that if raw ingredients of life exist anywhere on the planet, they likely would be preserved in the ice.

Phoenix, however, cannot detect signs of alien life that may exist now or once existed.

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