Sunday, November 25, 2007

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PERRY, Iowa — Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton often tells crowds of voters she is proud of the Democratic field of presidential candidates, saying its so nice that you dont have to be against anybody.

But Mrs. Clinton, locked in a tight race in Iowa, is increasingly criticizing the Democrats who are hoping to defeat her in the Jan. 3 caucus, especially Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois.

On a two-day swing through central and western Iowa this weekend, the New York Democrat stressed her own experience but went after Mr. Obamas health care plan.

One of my opponents leaves 15 million people out, thats a lot of people, she said in Sioux City yesterday, without naming Mr. Obama. If you dont try to cover everybody, all the special interests are going to nibble you to death.

Later in Sac City, she talked about health care being a fight worth having, and again got in a dig at the Obama plan.

One of my opponents claims he has a universal plan but it doesnt it doesnt cover everybody and that is a mistake, she said. Americans understand this is a fight we have to win.

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