HHS hacked five times in three years, House committee says By Andrew Blake - The Washington Times Shares
Almost 200 labs in all 50 states affected by live anthrax shipments By Jacqueline Klimas - The Washington Times Shares
Planned Parenthood video prompts GOP probe of potential illegal sale of fetal body parts By Cheryl Wetzstein - The Washington Times Shares
Tim Murphy: Don’t need someone who has a ‘learning curve’ overseeing Ebola response By David Sherfinski - The Washington Times Shares
Obama administration resists Ebola travel ban even as other nations restrict entry By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times Shares
Rep. Tim Murphy: GOP knew HealthCare.gov would be an ‘unmitigated disaster’ By Tom Howell Jr. - The Washington Times Shares
KEENE: A better way to help the dangerously mentally ill By David Keene - The Washington Times Shares
Pa. Rep.: More mental health resources needed for kids By Jacqueline Klimas - The Washington Times Shares
Rep. Tim Murphy: GM and safety officials have some explaining to do over deadly car flaw By Tom Howell Jr. - The Washington Times Shares
GOP Rep. Tim Murphy rolls out mental health legislation By David Sherfinski - The Washington Times Shares
Republicans say new report points to Obamacare security problems By Tom Howell Jr. - The Washington Times Shares