- Sunday, July 28, 2024

Throughout human history, a trap has existed that seeks to ensnare women. It is disguised as something virtuous and good, telling its victims, “See! You have escaped the evil of the other side!” You may have fallen into this trap too, all the while believing you have safely avoided being like “those people.” The feminist mantra claims we’ll find freedom by following their truth but what we find is the exact opposite.

This trap is why I wrote my book “Feminist to Feminine: Reclaiming the Value of Womanhood in God’s Story.” I fell into the trap of radical feminism in reaction to my own experiences with injustice – times that men treated my mom poorly because she served in a ministerial role at our church, times that my friend’s mom had to ask her husband’s permission to do basic activities because she was a woman, and times that my perspective wasn’t listened to because I was assumed to be less reasonable than my male peers. I thought I was safe by staying far from the sexist belief system that had disgusted me, but I ended up losing balance in the process.

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My dad lovingly watched me walk through my personal feminist journey without judgment or compromising the truth. He has always reminded me, “There’s a ditch on either side of truth,” and this is the trap I’ve mentioned here.

Jesus said, “‘Go in through the narrow gate; for the gate that leads to destruction is wide and the road broad, and many travel it; but it is a narrow gate and a hard road that leads to life, and only a few find it’” (Matthew 7:13–14, CJB).

Jesus was describing Himself as the only path to eternal life with the Father, but He also spoke another significant truth: Do not fall into the trap that exists on either side of the narrow path (the path that leads to life).

Truth is a narrow path that is not always easily discernible, especially when you take our human experience and biases into account.

You can imagine yourself walking on a road you’ve never been on before. You don’t know exactly where you are going, but you have your GPS, the Holy Spirit, guiding you.

The Spirit helps you pay attention to different landmarks on your journey — landmarks of truth that will help keep you out of the ditches!

If you’ve ever watched the show “The Office,” you might remember an episode where Michael didn’t have a very good GPS and ended up following its commands right into a lake. His GPS was leading him, but he wasn’t watching the landmarks. Picking the wrong GPS — the ideology GPS, the political GPS, and others — can quickly land you far from the path God has for your life even when seeking to follow scripture.

Unfortunately, many who have been hurt by religion would argue that the very idea of a God giving us rules for life is somehow cruel and controlling. We have to remember that the Bible is God’s gift to us. He doesn’t give us these landmarks because He wants to control us; rather, they are intended to help us avoid steering our new car into the lake.


Excerpt taken from “Feminist to Feminie: Reclaiming the Value of Womanhood in God’s Story.”

A former Miss USA Tennessee and critic of feminist principles, Justice Keuhl discovered true contentment and purpose when she abandoned culture’s radical feminist ideas and plans for her life and followed God’s, instead. A graduate of the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, Justice is zealous about encouraging women to embrace their identities as divine daughters. Having also conquered a decade-long struggle with endometriosis, she utilizes her platform to raise awareness about the condition and aid in the early diagnosis of young women. Married to Chris, Justice is a devoted mother to their miracle son Kalev and shares their home in Nashville with their golden retriever, Ulysses. In addition to being a worship leader and skilled violinist, Justice also speaks at events across the country. Find her on Instagram.

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