- Sunday, August 9, 2020

The debate over re-opening schools and whether to go online or face-to-face has fallen along party lines. What is not discussed is the fact that a significant portion of the population still goes to work every day. They are medical personnel, police officers and firefighters, as well as owners and employees of large and small businesses. Kids are out playing in groups and then going home to all these parents who have been at work.

Now we have teachers who are worried about getting COVID-19, but what makes them more special than the rest of the people who go out to work? Is their welfare more important than anyone else’s? Are their families more important?

Why are teachers’ unions making demands, such as the California teachers’ union’s demand to defund the police and prohibit charter schools? Once the unions injected political demands into the equation, the question of opening schools to in-person teaching is a moot point.

Furthermore, what could be more unequal than punishing those without the means to hire in-home tutors so that teachers may remain home? Is this the Democratic position?


Fairfax, Va.

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