- Wednesday, January 25, 2017

After everything that has happened in the last year, the Democrats still have learned nothing. Their answer to the election of Donald Trump? A Women’s March that does nothing to save a deluded party still cannibalizing itself.

Liberal leadership remains obsessed with imagery instead of solutions, working overtime to not face the fact that America has now rejected the scourge of political correctness and identity politics, both of which liberalism requires in order to survive.

With the media coverage surrounding the so-called women’s marches on Saturday you’d think we were watching some sort of organic, spontaneous uprising, much like, oh, the tea party. But it wasn’t. There has been excellent commentary in the days that followed exposing the fact that the march wasn’t about women at all; it was about leftist politics. And group therapy.

Yes, many, many people came out. Likely a million across the country. And that’s a good thing, but not surprising. For cities that Hillary Clinton won overwhelmingly, like Los Angeles and Washington, D.C., of course dejected locals turn out. When I was a community organizer on the left, we had great success in liberal cities.

Perhaps the most obvious confession that it had nothing to do with celebrating women or the highlighting the complexity of who we are was the exclusion of pro-life women and the ignoring of the woman who actually did break a glass ceiling with the election — Kellyanne Conway. Ms. Conway is now the first woman presidential campaign manager to successfully win the presidency.

But remarkable women like Ms. Conway, Melania Trump, Ivanka Trump and the millions of women who voted for President Trump, don’t count because they remain apostates to leftist orthodoxy.

But this is what the left has always done — co-opt a genuine issue of concern within society and then use it, like parasites, to further the failed and deadly policies of the left. While America got sucker-punched for the past eight years, we will recover. The Democratic Party, not so much.

For the George Soros-backed groups that organized the Women’s March, it was about morale, expanding their lists and fundraising. The equivalent would be Capt. Edward Smith approaching his passengers on the Titanic while the ship is sinking with advance sales for the next crossing. It might give you hope for change, but it’s still pathological denial.

Two days after Madonna was excitedly telling the Women’s March crowd that she thought “a lot” about “blowing up the White House” after the election, WBUR released a new poll showing Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s re-election in trouble. It reports of Massachusetts voters, “only 44 percent think Ms. Warren deserves re-election.” Forty-six percent think voters ought to “give someone else a chance.”

“No one’s going to look at a 44 percent re-elect number and think that that’s a good number,” said Steve Koczela, president of The MassINC Polling Group, which conducts surveys for WBUR. “No one’s going to look at it being close to even between ’re-elect’ and ’give someone else a chance’ and think that that’s reassuring,” WBUR noted.

Ms. Warren is a first-term senator and the woman who was supposed to the future of the Democratic Party. But that’s not all. WBUR reported its poll found, “Warren’s numbers contrast sharply with those of [Republican] Gov. Charlie Baker. His favorability rating is 59 percent — 8 points better than Warren. But what’s more striking is that only 29 percent of poll respondents think someone else should get a chance at the governor’s office.”

As Democratic politicians continue to block and delay confirmation of Mr. Trump’s Cabinet, they may want to consider what’s still happening to them on the ground. The reformation of Nov. 8 is continuing, and Americans of all stripes aren’t buying the line that Mr. Trump isn’t “legitimate” or is a grave danger to the republic.

As an example, video has gone viral of a woman being removed from a plane after berating a Trump supporter seated next to her. The flight was carrying activists and marchers from Baltimore to Seattle after the inauguration and march. While much of the commentary has surrounded the woman’s removal, the real story was the fact that passengers on that plane — headed to liberal Seattle — started applauding her removal as they chanted “USA! USA!”

There was a rejection on that plane of the sort of “division” both liberal leaders and the legacy media want you to believe is occurring. Just like they wanted you to believe Mrs. Clinton was going to win and everyone hated Mr. Trump.

The legacy media remains on daily overdrive pushing the narrative that Mr. Trump is racist, divisive and not to be trusted. And yet, Rasmussen’s Daily Presidential Approval Tracking Poll for Tuesday reported a 57 percent approval rating for Mr. Trump among likely voters. And this was just his second full work day as president.

Democratic leadership, the political bureaucracy and legacy media want Americans to believe there’s a Grand Canyon-sized division in this country. And they’re right — it’s between themselves and the American people.

Tammy Bruce, author and Fox News contributor, is a radio talk show host.

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