- Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Last Friday, as a guest of the Trump family, I and my wife Jeanne braved inclement weather to attend Donald Trump’s Inauguration. By now you know it was a typical Trumpian ceremony. It was peaceful, elegant, momentous and frightening. At least the protesters were frightened. What they were frightened about is a bit unclear, but many of them were, for a certitude, alarmed.

Last week I wrote that today’s protesters seem confused, disoriented, shabbily dressed and famished. My guess is that if the polizia had opened a soup kitchen that would have distracted many of the demonstrators from their protest. I would suggest making available Kentucky Fried Chicken or the fruits of McDonald’s and plenty of dessert. But apparently that would have distracted only the clinically disturbed, a significant minority but a minority nonetheless.

There were others whom we saw as we left the inauguration. Many, according to reports, carried hammers and crowbars. They were well fed and often wore black, as did Mussolini’s bullyboys some years ago. I suppose these were the troglodytes who had answered advertisements promising $2,000 to $2,500 for participating in protests. The cops handled them admirably with water cannons and pepper spray and other instruments of crowd control. Many of the thugs were arrested and now face felony charges — not misdemeanor charges — felony charges. Perhaps during their interrogation they will be asked who offered them the loot. The estimates that I have seen claim that more than 230 are facing up to 10 years in the can for their violence. Could George Soros have been their benefactor?

The rest of Friday’s demonstrators were pretty well-mannered and so were many of the women and mama’s boys who participated in Saturday’s Women’s March on Washington. They were mostly peaceful, as well they should have been, given their meditations on the gals’ vaginas. Many of the gals wore what looked like hand-woven pink stocking caps. They called them “pussy hats.” I supposed the men in their marches could have worn “penis hats” complete with testicles, though that might have infuriated the women, who seem to believe that what resides between their legs is sacred real estate. These mama’s boys would not want to be accused of violating the women’s space.

These women are still outraged by Donald Trump’s surreptitiously taped — and possibly illegally broadcast — private remarks made years ago to someone called Billy Bush that Donald by virtue of his celebrity could grab “any woman’s puppy.” Actually, he allegedly said something more vulgar but the prudish Washington Post transcribed it as “p—-y.” I, Victorian gent that I am, assume the original word was “puppy.” By the way, I think it is preposterous to believe that Donald Trump was serious when he told this Mr. Bush he could grab any woman’s puppy. Donald Trump is an animal lover and, moreover, a self-proclaimed “germophobe.” Touching a woman’s puppy is not sanitary.

The women in their hats, carrying their unspeakably coarse signs — they went well beyond anything Donald has been alleged to say — were over the top, but the mama’s boys with them were quite beyond anything I have ever seen in the pathetic street protester. I heard rumors that some were caught crying Friday and so I conferred with a highly trained journalist on Saturday after he had surveyed the crowd. He is a fellow Spectatorian and a seasoned student of bizarre phenomena, Freddy Gray, deputy editor of London’s Spectator magazine.

On Friday and Saturday he reconnoitered the crowd assiduously and quite bravely. The women did indeed wear their “pussy hats.” Yet the mama’s boys were even more egregious. They cried, cried in public. They cried about the election, cried about President Donald Trump, cried about the police. Some, if Freddy is to be believed, cried on his shoulder. More than one sniffled to him that the “police are meant to be on our side. We are the masters. They are the servants.” I hope the cops charged at least some of these sissies with misdemeanors.

We hear from the American press that the supporters of Donald are violence-prone. Yet no violence was demonstrated by the pro-Trump crowd except by me. I elbowed a couple of guys who attempted to stop my daughter and me from entering the Liberty Ball. I did not stop to see if they cried.

R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr. is editor in chief of The American Spectator. He is author of “The Death of Liberalism,” published by Thomas Nelson Inc.

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