- Monday, January 23, 2017

Does President Trump trust communist Russia but distrust our intelligence agencies? Will he stand up to Russia, an adversary of the United States, a country that wants to spread its totalitarianism to Europe, the Middle East and North America?

Mr. Trump might be hesitant to admit that Russia hacked Hillary Clinton’s campaign because he does not want the public to think he won a tainted election. In truth he won the election because of the ineptitude of Mrs. Clinton’s campaign staff, Mrs. Clinton’s private email server, and the desire for change by a large segment of the electorate in key states that were unhappy with President Obama’s policies. Mr. Trump should wholeheartedly support the congressional investigations into the possible hacking by the Russians.

Mr. Trump wants to have good relations with Russia so we can work together to jointly solve some of the world’s problems. This might be a positive move by the president, and it could make both countries more secure. However, we cannot completely trust Vladimir Putin or Russia. We always have to be wary of their motives and ready to respond to their threatening and hostile actions.

Hopefully Russia does not have compromising personal and financial information on Mr. Trump that could be used against us.

We must support President Trump because his success is our success.


Londonderry, N.H.

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