- Monday, August 21, 2017

President Trump had to fire Chief White House Strategist Steve Bannon; new Chief of Staff John F. Kelly has to show that he has control of the White House staff. Why, exactly, does this staff not understand that they are supposed to be invisible and work behind the scenes?

Only the president’s press officers should be allowed to talk to the media. Private cell phones should be checked at the entrance door. Why do certain people want to focus on making themselves look important instead of do their job for the president?

The president’s current to-do list should include getting health-care, jobs and economic development, tax reform, and trade-agreement legislation passed, along with political appointees into the administration. National security must also be a top priority. Mr. Trump has six months to get these things accomplished and to do them he needs all hands on deck.

Working with Congress will be key. House and Senate leaders must do their jobs to push the president’s agenda through and not let the Democrats stall any progress. If they cannot get legislation passed, they need to be replaced.

The American people want action by the Republicans. We want and expect Congress and the White House to be fully functional and moving at light speed to get Mr. Trump’s agenda implemented after Labor Day. We deserve as much.


Machipongo, Va.

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