- Sunday, April 2, 2017

With all these attacks against and investigations into President Trump, I wonder about the status of the ’quid-pro-quo’ assertions against the Clinton Foundation. Has anything ever come of it? Or has that news been swept under the carpet? If it’s the latter, the uranium deal that Bill Clinton coordinated with Kazakhstan doesn’t get any scrutiny, even though it had some significant security implications.

I wonder if any Democrats from Hillary Clinton’s team had any liaisons with the Russians prior to the presidential election. I don’t hear anything from the news media on this. Maybe no Democrats whatsoever even talked to any Russian diplomats, or if they did, only did so in the normal course of business. I guess all Democrats can be trusted, but the same cannot be said for Trump and his team. Trump wasn’t even a politician. He was an outsider who had never been in politics. According to the Democrats, the fact that he has not been entrenched in Washington goings-on for many years seems to means he can’t be trusted.

Ask yourself, Did the Democrats lie to America on Obamacare or Benghazi? Did they lie to America on Hillary Clinton’s server or about giving her questions prior to the presidential debates? Did they lie about fixing the system against Sen. Bernie Sanders so he couldn’t get their nomination?

These investigations against Trump are just a continuation of the left’s insidious shenanigans.


Aurora, Ill.

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