- The Washington Times - Monday, April 17, 2017

Director, producer and political activist Judd Apatow says President Trump needs to read the Bible.

Mr. Apatow, one of 28 industry insiders and media personalities The Hollywood Reporter approached for book suggestions for the 45th commander in chief, told the magazine that Mr. Trump would benefit from reading about Jesus.

“I think he should start with the Bible,” said the producer of HBO’s “Girls,” who has used Twitter to mock religion and people who believe in God. “He pretends to be religious but has shown zero familiarity with what is written in the Bible or the New Testament. He probably needs to learn some of the basic ideas preached by Jesus Christ. He talks a lot about the poor, but his ideas only serve the rich. His core ideals could not be less Christ-like.”

Mr. Apatow also suggested “An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About It” by Al Gore, and the writings of Martin Luther King and Gandhi.

Others who weighed in for THR’s piece include:

  • Political pundit Van Jones: “’1984’ (laughs) — for obvious reasons.”
  • HBO political talk-show host John Oliver: “Just a book would be great. It can even be one of the books he ’wrote.’ But he has to read every single word, cover to cover. No skimming. No audiobook bulls—-. The whole thing.”
  • Actor Alec Baldwin: “’Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.’”
  • Singer Barbra Streisand: “’The Emperor Has No Clothes’ by Hans Christian Andersen. We know the president is not much of a book reader nor has he the attention span for it, so one of my recommendations is a short story.”

Mr. Trump told NBC’s “Extra” — with a slight smile — in November that his two favorite books are his own, “The Art of the Deal” and “Surviving at the Top.”

• Douglas Ernst can be reached at dernst@washingtontimes.com.

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