- The Washington Times - Monday, September 15, 2014

The president of Hobby Lobby — the business at the heart of the Supreme Court case that solidified the rights of for-profit ventures to deny abortifacient coverage in employee insurance plans — said Christians need to stand strong for religious freedoms.

Steve Green made the appeal in a video shown during Star Spangled Sunday, a conservative gathering at First Baptist Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, Raw Story reported.

“The bottom line is we believe that life begins at conception and for us to be a part of taking that life violates what our deeply held beliefs are, and so we just said we didn’t want to freely provide those [or to] pay for them for employees,” Mr. Green said in the video. “That’s doesn’t prevent them from having access to them, but for the government to tell us that we had to provide those to our employees for free was a problem for us and why we decided we had to file suit.”

Mr. Green said Christians need to take a stronger stand against the government and help rein in what is becoming a runaway federal system.

“There are struggles for religious freedom in America,” he said. “Just a few years ago, we never would have imagined we would have filed suit against our own government, the government that we love. But there are challenges. There are struggles that people of faith are facing today that have never been faced before. So there is a great need for men and women of faith to stand up and let their voice be heard through the ballot box and, if need be, to file suit.”

Other speakers at the event included Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee.

• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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