- Monday, November 10, 2014

President Obama defiantly says he will use executive orders to change immigration laws. The Constitution gives Congress the authority to pass laws and the president the responsibility to enforce all laws. Immigration laws have not been enforced, and that is the reason the system is “broken.” Fixing the problem will require secured borders, guest-worker visas, employers verifying the status of all employees and monitoring and removing those who overstay their visas.

However, all this is meaningless unless the existing laws and future laws are enforced. Mr. Obama failed to enforce the laws and encouraged illegals to cross the borders, and he gives no indication he will enforce laws he does not like.

Previously eligible immigrants from all countries were given the opportunity to go through the legal process to become citizens. Mr. Obama and Democrats have given preference to Hispanics for the sole purpose of obtaining votes. This is unfair to all other applicants who have taken the long legal path. Republicans support providing the opportunity for citizenship to legal immigrants who will provide their skills to serve our country, grow our economy and pledge their allegiance.

If Mr. Obama uses executive orders, it would be appropriate for the Republican-controlled Congress to deny confirmation of his nominees, cut funding for his unconstitutional executive orders and do whatever else is necessary. The American people elect a president, not a czar or dictator. Mr. Obama had the opportunity to change immigration laws for two years when Democrats controlled Congress, but he put his legacy health care “reform” first. His health care, economic, energy, military and diplomatic policies have all failed.

Mr. Obama and the Democrats should change course and work with Republicans through our constitutional system (which has worked for centuries) to effectively resolve our problem areas.


Centerville, Mass.

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