As a black mother of three young adult sons, I am appalled by the violence, looting and angry behavior of those rioting in Ferguson, Missouri. I sympathize with the family of Michael Brown and am saddened that a mother and father have lost their son.
However, as parents we have a responsibility to teach our children right from wrong and that bad choices can lead to bad and sometimes deadly consequences. Also, in order to receive respect, respect must be given — not only to others but to oneself and especially to our laws and authority.
Michael Brown’s day started with bad choices. The first was when he thought he had the right to forcefully steal the cigars from the convenience store. He broke the law in taking that merchandise. His second bad choice was refusing to obey the orders of a police officer. There he broke the law again. Then he reached inside a police car and physically challenged a police officer, yet again breaking the law. At that moment, Officer Darren Wilson was within his rights to use whatever force necessary to protect himself. Regardless of race, what person would act the way Michael Brown did here? As the situation escalated, the possibility of Michael Brown’s death was certain. As long as we choose to make excuses and close our eyes to bad behavior, we as a people will always be at risk and never progress.
I am embarrassed by the so-called black “leaders,” including our president, for not taking the high road on this. Instead, they pamper the rioters and ignore the right of this officer to protect himself. I truly believe that had this been a black police officer none of this would be happening. Our country has come a long way in race relations, but by stoking this fire, who are the real racists? Yes, racism occurs in all races.
Remembering the past is acceptable, but holding on is not. Until we as a people can let go of the past we will never move forward. We are all Americans and members of the human race. We should be proud to live in a country where opportunities are available for those who want to work for them, and our freedoms are protected by our laws and those brave men and women who choose to serve.
Fleming Island, Florida
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