Saturday, March 30, 2013

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said that there are times when an individual’s rights should be infringed upon, and the Obama administration came under fire as the Supreme Court heard arguments in landmark gay marriage cases.

On the international stage, North Korea’s Kim Jong Un vowed to strike Washington, D.C., Los Angeles and Texas.

Here’s a recap, or wrap, on the week that was from The Washington Times:

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is vowing to hit specific points on America’s mainland: Washington, Los Angeles — and Austin, Texas.

He’s also promised to strike Hawaii, Guam and South Korea, Fox News reports.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said on Sunday: Sometimes government does know best. And in those cases, Americans should just cede their rights.

“I do think there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom,” Mr. Bloomberg said, during an appearance on NBC. He made the statement during discussion of his soda ban — just shot down by the courts — and insistence that his fight to control sugary drink portion sizes in the city would go forth.

Gay marriage is on trial but it was the Obama administration facing the heat as the Supreme Court began the second of two days of landmark oral arguments on the constitutionality of gay marriage.

Michael Moore said “fear and racism” fuels Americans’ insistence that the government uphold their Second Amendment rights to own firearms.

We’re “an afraid people, and we have been an afraid people for some time,” Mr. Moore said during a recent NBC broadcast, buttressing his statement with historical references to America’s treatment of blacks and Native Americans.

Dr. Benjamin Carson fought back against his critics on Fox News’ “America Live” Tuesday, saying that he’s no “Uncle Tom.” Mr. Carson — a conservative speaker and neurosurgeon who was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2008 — was referring to a comment made by MSNBC’s Toure Monday, who said Mr. Carson is a token “black friend” to Republicans who embraced him only to assuage their own white “guilt.”

It’s only March, but Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. is off on his third vacation the year. Mr. Biden and wife Jill arrived at Kiawah Island off South Carolina on Thursday evening, with plans to stay five days, the Associated Press reported.

Offended by the decision of Starbucks chief Howard Schultz to support gay marriage, a Christian organization is seconding the CEO’s demand that Christian shareholders sell their stock in the ubiquitous coffee chain.

Vice President Joseph R. Biden, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and other gun control advocates insisted Wednesday that both momentum and public opinion are on their side, but recent polling shows Americans turning against stricter laws as more time elapses since the Newtown shootings.

Mr. Biden rallied gun control advocates ahead of a “day of action” organized by Mayors Against Illegal Guns, telling supporters that bans on so-called assault weapons and high-capacity magazines are “just the beginning.”

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says the influx of immigrants into Arizona will put this conservative stronghold into the hands of the Democratic Party.

The former Arizona governor predicted her state would turn blue in coming elections — just like Nevada, New Mexico and Colorado has gained in Democratic popularity, she said in a Christian Science Monitor report.

The ratings have spoken – and they’re telling television producers that a six-hour, $20 million miniseries on “Jesus of Nazareth” will prove as great a success as the recent History Channel production of ‘The Bible.’

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