The Rev. Jesse Jackson is now claiming the Tea Party represents the return of the Confederate States (“Jesse Jackson: ’Tea party is the resurrection of the Confederacy,’” Web, Aug. 27). Mr. Jackson daily brings up race in some form. I am not a member of the Tea Party but I support what it represents.
What is wrong with dumping the Internal Revenue Service, bringing God back into the schools, not supporting killing the unborn child, eliminating unnecessary agencies of government, defunding programs that continually supply handouts to those who should be working, and bringing integrity to all government programs? Mr. Jackson should take a poll of answers to this question.
The Tea Party is not racist. It’s he who brings up the subject to the point of nausea for those who believe that bringing back honesty and integrity would be a gift to the United States. Mr. Jackson should curb his tongue unless he can support something positive for our fine country.
Spokane, Wash.
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